Estate Planning For Business Owners: Your Business Should Have a “Will”.

Every business (small or large) should have a business succession plan supported by a properly drafted “buy-sell” agreement which acts like a “will” for your business.  A good business succession p…

What Happens If I Don’t Pay For Car Repairs?

If you bring your car to the local repair shop, dealer, or any repair facility in the state, you automatically subject yourself to a lien on your car for the amount of the repairs if not paid.  In …

New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep

New Year's Resolutions
As we enter the New Year, the tradition is to make resolutions.  Many of us will try to eat better, exercise more, and try to do all the things we have put off for too long.  Many of us will fail a…

Why Hire an Attorney?

In the last year, 61% of new claims filed in the courts in New Hampshire were filed by “pro se” or self represented parties. So why hire an attorney? The most obvious reason is that attorneys know …

Why Do I Need A Personal Injury Lawyer? Part 1: There Are Many Types Of Tort Cases

When a person is injured (physically and/or emotionally), their legal cause of action is generally classified as a “tort.” All personal injury (tort) law suits involve the same basic legal elements…

Are You in a Flood Zone?

Flooded house
When you purchased your home or if you are looking for a home with a view, you may not have been concerned about flood insurance, but some important changes to the law have made it important to con…

What To Do When Involved In A Slip & Fall Accident

Slip and fall cases are one of the hardest kinds of personal injury cases to win. Injured plaintiffs must show not only that the property owner/tenant had a legal duty (responsibility) to preve…

How Do Business Owners Assure Limited Liability?

Limiting company liability
Without question one of the major advantages of doing business in the form of a corporation or a limited liability company is the limitation of liability for owners. Generally, shareholders of …

Driving to Distraction

Driving while texting is banned in New Hampshire (see NH RSA 265:105-a), and yet we have all certainly either seen people driving while texting or seen the telltale signs that someone may be distra…

Workers’ Compensation Rates Increase

Calculating numbers for income tax return with pen and calculator
If you have been injured at work, you may be entitled to compensation through insurance benefits that provide wage replacement and medical benefits in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the r…

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“Welts, White & Fontaine, P.C. – specifically, Jack White and Israel Piedra handled my case in a very dignified and respectful manner. They were thorough, explained the process, kept me up-to-date and represented me well. I highly recommend this firm!”
Sarah Jo Kaplan
Client Review

Welts, White & Fontaine, P.C.

© 2024  The Law Offices of Welts, White & Fontaine, P.C.
29 Factory Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03060
Telephone: (603) 883-0797 | FAX: (603) 883-8723 | [email protected]

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